Sunday, November 9, 2008

Beyond the bobbie pin

Not every day is a good hair day. So on the days when frizz hits, curls droop, or stringiness invades, it's good to know that you've got fabulous hair accessories.

Today was one of those days for me. I've been experimenting with Karen's Body Beautiful hair products, and although I love the conditioners, the hair cream seems to disagree with my hair. I'm not ready to rule it out of my rotation yet, though, because I probably just need to find the right way to use it. Until I figure the stuff out, though, I suspect I will fall victim to a few more yucko hair days.

I bought several truly striking hair accessories (I would call them clips or barrettes but they are so much more substantial than either of those words implies) from a place called Ficcare. If you haven't been there, check it out. You might at first recoil from the prices but trust me when I say that these accessories are of exceptional quality and they are killer stylish. People will comment on them when you wear them. Trust me.

Anyway, even though you can see how bad my hair looks, doesn't my "Innovation Clip" look stunning? I also have a couple of the Maximus clips, which serve a similar purpose but are curved to allow you to hold a lot of hair if necessary. Brilliant design, really. Here's a photo of one of the Maximus collections so you can see what I mean. These are serious hair accessories, which I love because I've always been pretty unimpressed with the tortoise-shell claw-clip doo-dads in the drug store. We spend time selecting our jewelry and making sure it's just right, why not also give the same attention to our hair accessories?

1 comment:

EmpressRi said...

I have five ficcares now and want more! I have the maximas I think. They really are great!

Too bad the kbb hair cream didn't work out for you, I love that stuff!